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NPRG 870 – NPRG 860
User’s Guide
Date : 09/2010
Edition :13/06/2017
Sheet : 26
Issue : D
8. Exhaustive list of the NPRG800 error codes
8.1 Most current errors
Error display on the LCD screen following the self-test when starting or running
Error # 0000
Error following CRC check of program
memories Flash (U10 and U11).
Relay Reset:
Try switching the relay off
and on to reset it. (Reset) If
the message is still present,
return the relay to the after-
sales service
Error # 1000
Error CRC client zone out of service (or
1001 min max client parameters)
-Reset Relay
(Default settings)
-Recharge the client
configuration with SmartSoft
- Or return the relay to after-
Error # 9999
Error CRC Factory out of service (or 9998
min max Manufacturer Configuration)
Defective calibration, return
the relay to the after-sales
Error # 0100
Watch dog default (WD)
The relay is materially down:
return after sales
Error # 3x
Output relay failure 'x' 1 to 4, (And 5 to 8 if
expansion card)
The relay is materially down:
return after sales
Note: The first time you turn
on the power, it may be due
to improper Option / Variant
Error # 0206
Hardware or software error (Illegal opcode)
The relay is materially down:
return after sales
Error # 8000
JBUS error (hardware?)
The relay is materially down:
return after sales