Annual check should be performed to detect potential
• Amperage draw should not exceed normal full load amps indicated
in the performance table. (Consult installation manual for details).
Heat Exchanger:
Water coil maintenance is not required. If the unit installation is
located in a system with water problem history it is best to
establish a periodic maintenance program. It is the building’s
responsibility to maintain a water system that should provide
your unit with treated and filtered water to keep water
flowing freely thru your equipment. Generally if the water
flow exceeds 3 gpm per ton the water velocities should keep
your coil free of scaling and debris that could lead to coil
erosion and fouling up.
General Unit Inspection:
Visually inspect unit at least once a month. Pay special attention to
hose assemblies and connections. Repair any leaks and replace
deteriorated hose immediately to avoid potential costly damage to
your property due to component failure.
Evaporator Coil:
Check the coil for cleanliness and uniformity of fins. If the coil
is dirty, vacuum clean with a soft brush attachment. This is the
only form of cleaning that should be carried out within an
apartment. If the coil requires additional cleaning, the unit
must be removed from the wall cabinet and cleaned using
compressed air and / or washed. These operations MUST be
carried out in a facility properly equipped to handle this type of
work in a safe and professional manner. Do not carry out this
cleaning in a finished apartment or office area.
Drain Pan/Drain Hose Cleaning:
The condensate pan is located under the unit chassis. Check
the visible section of the interior of the drain pan for any
buildup of dirt or condensate water.
Wash annually to remove all dirt build-up. Check condensate
drain pan for algae growth every 2 to 3 months. If algae growth
is apparent consult a water treatment specialist for treatment.
Drain Hose:
Check drain hose for leaks and blockage to eliminate potential
Evaporator Motor and Blower Assembly:
If there is evidence of dirt or dust build-up the evaporator
motor or blowers, they should be cleaned either by vacuum
cleaning (if working in an apartment) or by removing the unit to
a workshop location and cleaning with compressed air. Always
obey safety guidelines for using compressed air in this latter
case. Your ICE AIR WSHP has permanently lubricated motor
bearings that do not require additional lubrication. Blowers and
motor are factory assembled for quiet performance – if there is
any excessive noise and vibration from this assembly, it should
be serviced by a qualified technician.