(Moduł A):
1. Circulating pumps PSI:
PSI 15-60/130, PSI 25-40/180, PSI 25-60/130, , PSI 25-60/180, PSI 25-80/180, PSI 32-60/180,
PSI 32-80/180, PSI 40-80/200.
2. PHU Dambat, Gawartowa Wola 38, 05-085 KAMPINOS, POLAND, e-mail:
3. This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
4. Pumps form point 1.
5. Under the Act of 30 August 2002 on the conformity system (Journal of Laws of 2004, No.
204 item 2087) we declare with full responsibility that pumps included in the point 1. to
which this declaration refers to are consistent with the following guidelines of the Council on
legal regulations unification in member states of EC:
Dyrektywa LVD Nr. 2014/35/UE
Dyrektywa EMC Nr. 2014/30/UE
Dyrektywa MD Nr. 2006/42/WE
Dyrektywa ErP Nr. 2009/125/WE.
6. Applied standards:
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN 809:1998+A1:2009+AC:2010, EN 60204-l:2006+Al:2009+AC:2010, EN
60335-l:2012+AC:2014, EN 62233
2008+AC:2008, EN 60335-2-41:2003+Al
EN 60335-2-51:2003+Al
2003+A1:2008+A2:2012, EN 60034-l
2010+AC:2010, EN 55014-
2009+A2:2011, EN 55014-2
2008, EN 61000-3-2:2014,
EN 61000-3-3:2013, EN 16297-1:2012, EN 16297-2:2012.
Gawartowa Wola 23.11.2016
Adam Jastrzębski
A reference criterion for the most energy-
efficient circulating pumps is EEI ≤ 0,20
For PSI pump a ratio EEI≤ 0,23 indicates that PSI pump is a Energy-efficient pump.
The used product is subject to disposal as wastes only in selective waste collection
systems organised by the Network of Communal Electric and Electronic Waste
Collection Centres. The customer is entitled to return the used equipment to the
network of the electric equipment distributor, at least for free and directly, if the
returned device is of proper type and fulfils the same function as a newly purchased
device. It is prohibited to dispose of electric equipment together with other
household wastes.