Control panel elements
Function description:
AUTO function switch for automatic pump parameter selection depending on the
CO system status
Operating mode change button
Operation index acc. to the proportional pressure characteristics: PP1= , PP2=
, PP3=
Operation index acc. to the constant pressure characteristics: CP1= , CP2=
, CP3=
Current consumption in Watt display
Operation index acc. to constant rotary speed. I= , II=
, III=
Operating button night mode
Displayed error codes
After the power supply is switched on, field
displays the pump status. During normal
operation, the run indicator display is continuously turned on and shows the current power
consumption of the operating pump.
When the electric pump does not operate properly, the run indicator display will flash,
displaying the error codes corresponding to the malfunction type.
Error code: Error description:
Power supply voltage too high
Power supply voltage too low
Blocked rotor and power consumption too high
Overload protection worked
Blocked rotor
Failure of electric panel
If an error is displayed, cut the power supply off to solve the problem. After
the problem is solved, turn the power supply on and restart the pump.
In most cases, if an error occurs, the pump will automatically attempt five
times to resume the work by taking a 5-minute break between attempts.
6.2. Operating mode selection procedure
After the start, the operating mode indicators will be illuminated for a while, and then the
pump will set itself into the last operating mode it was in before switch-off. If you press the
button no. 2 once, the operating mode will be changed to the next one, in the order as
follows: AUTO, PP1, PP2, PP3, CP1, CP2, CP3, III, II, I
E.g. if the pump operates in the CP1 mode, a single press on the button no. 2 causes switching
into the next mode in the list, i.e. mode C2. Entering into the given mode is signalled by
means of illumination of a proper indicator on the panel.