Change your virtual resolution setting in the Virtual section of this property
sheet. Expanded virtual resolutions can increase the size of your Windows
desktop. Display the expanded desktop area by moving your mouse cursor
past the border of the area displayed on your monitor. This is also called
panning to another section of the expanded desktop area. In the list of
available resolution settings, click the setting you want. Once you choose a
new setting and click OK, the monitor screen will blank out for a few
seconds, then return at the new resolution setting.
Note: The number of available virtual resolution settings depends on the
amount of memory on your graphics adapter and the active monitor
Click Apply to save your changes and continue. Click OK to save your
changes and close Hawkeye. Click Cancel to discard your changes and close
Chameleon Cursor
On this property sheet you can adjust the color and size settings for your
mouse cursor. There are three slider bars the Color section of this property
sheet. To change the color of your cursor, click on each of the slider bars
and move the slider up or down until you have the color adjusted the way you
want it. In the Cursor size section of this property sheet, click on the size
you want. Click Apply to save your changes and continue. Click OK to
save your changes and close Hawkeye. Click Cancel to discard your changes
and close Hawkeye.
Color perfect
On this property sheet you can adjust the appearance of colors on your
monitor screen. To change the appearance of the colors, click the slider bars
next to each color and move it up or down until the color appearance is the
way you want it. Click Apply to save your changes and continue. Click OK
to save your changes and close Hawkeye. Click Cancel to discard your
changes and close Hawkeye.
1-14 User's Guide Supplement