Systems Management Process of PM for Power Systems
The Performance Management Cycle
You should see performance management as a never-ending cycle consisting of:
1. Setting a baseline
2. Taking regular measurements of performance
3. Regularly interpreting the results
4. Periodically comparing the results with the baseline and adjusting the baseline, as
5. Monitoring for trends
6. Planning for upgrade as required
PM for Power Systems is designed to simplify all of this for you.
Automated Collection and Reporting
The collection of performance data using the PM agent is automated, self-managing and done on
a partition boundary. The Electronic Service Agent™ automatically triggers the collection of non-
proprietary performance data and automatically transmits the data to IBM based on the
parameters that you have defined. From a performance standpoint, the collection programs use
less than one percent of your processor unit.
The data is encrypted and sent to a secure IBM site. IBM automatically formats the raw data into
reports, tables, and graphs that are easy to understand and interpret. You can review your
performance data as often as you choose. Your information is updated daily from the previous
collection if you transmit daily. It is updated weekly if you transmit weekly.
The automated collection mechanism relieves the system administrator of the time consuming
tasks associated with starting and stopping performance collections, and getting raw data into a
readable format that can easily be analyzed.
Self Maintained Collection and Reporting
Once the Electronic Service Agent is configured and data is transmitted, collection and reporting
are self-managing. Data continues to be collected, transmitted to IBM, and then deleted from your
system to minimize storage requirements. Your reports, graphs, and tables are available for
analysis on the Web site to view at your convenience.
A self-maintained, automated approach allows you to be proactive in the analysis of your system
performance. It provides a mechanism to avoid potential resource constraints and to plan for
future capacity requirements.
Minimal Data Storage Requirement
The need to store the information yourself is eliminated when you send your data to IBM.
Valuable disk space is saved on your own system, eliminating the requirement to store months of
performance and trending data. Through the Web site, you can save and print reports for the
current month and change date parameters interactively to view previous months’ data.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document