Selecting the Interactive or .PDF Icon to View Graphs
Once an LPAR or system is registered (see above), the user is presented with the Server
Information Panel (SIP) when signing on with the IBM Web ID. From this screen, the user can
select the ‘group’ of systems desired for viewing. All systems / partitions will be in one group if
the user did not parse them into separate groups when registering the respective system or
The SIP provides information on each partition for both first and second shift. At the left of the
screen are icons for using the ‘Interactive’ graphing function or for requesting a .pdf of either the
entitled full service detail report set or the summary level no additional charge report.
Here is an example of a SIP showing the icons to access to view reports. (Also shown are
definitions of icons for authorizing a Business Partner to your graphs and for checking the status
of PM data transmission.)
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document