Peak Disk Arm Utilization in Percent - with Trend Projections
Monthly Peak Disk Arm Utilization with Trending Graph.
This graph shows the average peak disk arm utilization for up to 13 months, and a 3, 6 and 12
month trend projection for the two busiest hours per measured day during the period.
The trend months are the three last months shown at the right of the graph.
Because each displayed value is an average, the actual values during each month can be higher
or lower than what is indicated on the graph.
Note for systems with SAN-based storage
: Each server/LPAR’s graph for disk arms will reflect
utilization of the portion of the SAN which is accessed by that server/LPAR. In rare cases,
multiple servers using storage on the same SAN unit may result in a slight increase in displayed
disk arm utilization.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document