3. Grasp the EIA holders at (B) and (C) (above the latches, do not pull the system by using the latches) to
pull the system out of the rack until both rails lock into place.
Placing a 9183-22X system into the operating position
To place a system into the operating position, complete the steps in this procedure.
Before you begin
When you place the system in the operating position, ensure that the cables at the rear of the system do
not catch or bind as you push the system unit back into the rack.
1. Press in the rail safety latches (A) on both rails.
2. Push the system unit back into the rack until both release latches lock into position, as shown in the
following figure.
Figure 138. Placing the system into the operating position
3. If wanted, replace the screws on either side of the system that secure the system to the rack.
160 Power Systems: Servicing the IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X)