Issue 1.4
In the “Clock” section, time source information and the current time are displayed.
Clock source: selected time source
Clock source status: Display if ibaClock sends a valid time
Clock status: ibaClock will not synchronize with the ibaFOB-D card before the con-
figuration has not been applied from ibaClock to ibaPDA. When the synchronization
is done, the bar changes its color to green and displays a corresponding status
Current time (UTC): Display of date and UTC time [hh:mm:ss]
Current time (local): Display of date and local time [hh:mm:ss]. The local time is
based on the time zone that has been set at Windows.
System time synchronization
Information on the synchronization status is displayed in the section “System time syn-
Difference between system time and received time
Indicates how much the current system time leads or lags.
System clock frequency adjustment
Indicates the current adjustment value used for compensation.