Issue 1.9
Maximum slot configuration
The following configuration can be used to exploit the maximum device size of
1440 bytes:
5x 252 bytes + 170 bytes = 1430 bytes
In addition, 6 status bytes (1 byte per slot) + 4 global diagnostic bytes are taken into ac-
count by the system, the result is the maximum 1440 bytes.
Other documentation
For further information about engineering, please see the documentation of the used
PROFINET controller.
10.2 Operation as S2 device
Basically, all instructions in chapter 10.1 apply for operation in redundant PROFINET
networks in "S2" configuration.
The redundancy functions are activated via the configuration of the PROFINET control-
ler. No configuration is required in the device of the ibaBM-PN.
A separate license is required for operation as an S2 capable device, see chapter
10.3 Operation as sniffer
When the device operates as sniffer, no configuration in the engineering tool of the used
PROFINET controller is necessary; especially no GSDML file is needed.
To configure ibaPDA, knowledge concerning the structure of the transferred user data is
needed, basically the following information:
The controller and the device that are used for data transfer
Will the data be transfered from the controller to the device (OUTPUT) or will it be
transfered from the device to the controller (INPUT)
Where (byte offset) in the slot data the corresponding signal is saved and which
data type is used.
PROFIsafe is a certified profile for PROFIBUS and PROFINET which overlays the PRO-
FIBUS and PROFINET standard protocol to transmit safe input and output data. The
transmitted data does not only include the pure user data but also an area for the trans-
mission of the data securing information.
User data from PROFIsafe connections can be acquired using the same functions as
from PROFIBUS and PROFINET standard connections.
The definition of the transmitted data can be found in the respective device manual of
the IO module. In most cases, the user data is located from byte offset 0 on.