The exhaust muffler is not provided with a temperature probe lodgment. If necessary, it
is possible to install the probe support and as indicated in the figure.
Whenever you wish to employ the probe, please proceed as shown in the figure below.
The engine has a low maintenance dry centrifugal clutch. The following prescriptions, if
carefully followed, will allow a clutch longlife.
When starting the engine, make sure that the brake pedal is fully pressed to avoid any
sudden accelerations.
Once the engine is started, absolutely avoid useless accelerations (glazed of the friction and/or
skids) which can overheat and deteriorate the clutch group before time. Grease the chain before
each session. Check the engine sprocket, after each test or race and replace it, if necessary.
A bad alignment of the engine sprocket with the axle sprocket or chain grease lack can
irreparably damage the sprocket.
When it is necessary to check the clutch?:
Every 5 hours of standard use.
When metallic noises from the clutch are heard.
If the kart dragging speed exceeds 6.000 RPM.
When the clutch has overheated (presence of smoke or smell of burning).
Remove the clutch cover and the clutch drum to check the clutch.
When it is necessary to replace the clutch?:
whenever the thickness of the friction materiali s lower than 1.5mm on “point
A” of
the figure, if the body diameter is lower than 83mm, or when is very rough (wear
and deterioration of the friction material due to overheating).
In case the friction material is fully worn out and there has been a prolonged contact between
the clucth body and clutch drum, it also necessary to replace the clutch drum.
drill exhaust Ø4.2 for cylindrical probe
drill exhaust Ø4.2 and thread M5 for threaded probe