Set the resolution at which you want to record video. If you select a resolution that is
incompatible with the recording rate setting, an error message appears on the screen. To increase
the resolution, you much choose a lower recording rate. Sizes vary for NTSC and PAL cameras.
Refer to Table C.
Set a recording rate for the video. Recording rate is measured in frames per second (fps).
The maximum frames-per-second is 30 frames. The recording rate and image size must be
compatible. If you choose 30 fps, you must select a smaller image size. The total frames-per-
second for all cameras varies for NTSC and PAL cameras. Refer to Table C.
Set a quality setting that is compatible with your requirements for playing back video.
Available options are Highest, High, Standard and Low.
4. Enter SCHEDULE tab to start configuring recording schedules. Continuous or motion-based
schedules can be configured based on time and channel.
i. Access SCHEDULE tab inside Timer/Motion Setup sub-menu. Press ENTER and the yellow box
becomes a green cursor box.
ii. Move the green cursor box across the table. Once on the desired camera and time, press ENTER
again, and the box becomes a blue cursor box. You can then move the camera to highlight a
series of cells from here. When you press ENTER, everything inside the selected cells either
becomes activated (shown by an blue colored cell) or de-activated (shown by a grey colored cell).
iii. Once a desired combination of time and channels is selected, press ENTER. Schedule type
selection window will be displayed. Select from NONE, TIMER or MOTION.
NONE - selected channels will not record during selected time). Grid not colored.
TIMER - selected channels will record continuously during selected time). Grid filled-in orange.
(Figure 56)
MOTION - selected channels will record only if motion is detected during selected time. Motion
Detection Regions must be configured first. Grid partially filled-in orange (Figure 57).
Camera Type
Table C. Image Sizes and Maximum Recording Rates
Image Sizes
352 x 240
704 x 240
704 x 480
352 x 288
704 x 288
704 x 576
Recording Rates (fps)
120 (for all cameras)
60 (for all cameras)
28 (for all cameras)
100 (for all cameras)
47 (for all cameras)
24 (for all cameras)
Figure 55. Timer/Motion Setup - Schedule Type Selection