5.4.3 Alarm
You can set to trigger alarms on the conditions that an event or action signal has been
sent to the camera.
• Trigger an Alarm When Ethernet is Lost: set an alarm condition when
Ethernet disconnected.
• Digital Input: send a signal to the camera to trigger an alarm. Check it to
enable this function. Then, set digital input as “High” or “Low”
• Motion Detection: this function is designed to record video once the camera
detects a motion condition. Select “Disable” to disable this function or
“Enable” to enable this function.
◦ Sensibility: set sensibility level as “Lowest”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”
or “Highest”. Or input a value from 0 to 99 in the customized threshold
field. Higher number gets higher sensitivity.
• Press “Save” to save your settings.
• Action: Configure image transfer settings after triggering an alarm.
◦ Digital Output: select “OFF” to disable this function or “ON” to enable
this function. If select “ON”, choose an output file’s resolution as
“Low” or “High”.
◦ Digital Output - If you want to set digital output function start, you
need to set ON. After that, you need to set “Active Type” (Low or High)
about digital output by the hardware.
•Alarm duration - The alarm time period of digital output.