Start the bundle
After powering the PLC Stamp micro EVB via USB they will boot up. This takes less than 5 seconds. The two PLC
Stamp micro EVBs are configurated to be in the same power LAN.
After powering Duckbill SPI via USB they will boot up. This takes approximately 1 minute. It will boot the Linux
Debian, load the QCA7000 driver and works as an ethernet SPI bridge. When the linux kernel got active (after a
few seconds) it starts flashing a green LED on the bottom of the device as a heartbeat signal. Once it is fully booted
you will additionally see a red light on the bottom of the device.
Once the ethernet interfaces of both computers are configurated like you would do it in a normal LAN you should
be able to communicate between them.
Important notes:
Never change the configuration on the Duckbill 2 SPI
Never connect the both Duckbill 2 SPI directly with the ribbon cable
Please use the included USB cables to ensure voltage stability
Duckbill 2 SPI LED
Duckbill is off.
green blinking
Duckbill is booting or hasn’t a valid SPI connection.
green & red blinking
Duckbill is ready and has a valid SPI connection.
Push button simple connect
The following procedure explains how to connect a powerline ethernet adapter with a PLC Stamp micro EVB:
Figure 1: Pull up GPIO 3
First make sure the powerline adapter and PLC Stamp EVB are connected to the same circuit and all jumpers
are in default position ( see Figure 1 )
On the PLC Stamp EVB short QCA7000 RESET pin to GND (JP5, see Figure 2 ) for one second in order to
get a defined state