Media Configuration:
Click this button to setup the media parameters of IP camera and the detail
description as below:
Configuring Video streaming settings as below:
Source Resolution:
Select video main streaming resolution from the drop menu.
Streaming ID:
Streaming 1 means is the “
Main Streaming
“ that for the recording purpose.
The streaming 2 means is the “
Sub streaming
that is for the remote viewing from Internet
when bandwidth is not enough or split video display to reduce the system loading.
Video Encode:
The Video Encoding standard can be set to H.264 or MJPEG. You can set the
profile level to High Profile, Main Profile or Basic Profile
for H.264 encode.
Audio Encode:
There are G7.11 u Law /a Low compression. G.711ulaw selectable.
Choice the video streaming resolution for display and recording.
I-Frame interval:
It is the least compressible but doesn't require other video frames to decode.
Less number of I-Frame intervals
will get less size of video streaming, but the video quality
will be worse when image change rate is high.
Frame rate:
The frame rate is to describe the frequency at which the video stream is updated
and it is measured by frames per second (fps). A higher frame rate is advantageous when there
is movement in th
e video stream, as it maintains
image quality throughout.