© 2013 I-View Now, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Nuvico EasyNet ED-P Series Installation Guide rev 1.0
Page 4
Installation Worksheet
The I-View Now Portal will provide an Installation Worksheet after entering the DVR make and model into the system.
This sheet will contain configuration information for the DVR’s notifications area, and it provides a form to fill in details
about the site setup (alarms, zone names). An example worksheet is printed below.
You will need to retrieve the IP address while on-site. Ask the customer or the IT department for the IP address, or visit
while on-site for the correct address.
Default DVR Login
Plug a monitor into the VGA output on the DVR. Plug the mouse provided with the DVR into the front side USB port of
the DVR unit. The default password is 000000. Be aware that the Menus presented in this manual can vary slightly
depending on the exact model and firmware version.
User Name
: admin
: 000000
USB Mouse
VGA Cable
VGA Port