o Never hold a child in your arms or lap
when riding in a vehicle. The violent
forces created during a crash will
tear the child from your arms and
throw the child against the car’s inte-
o Never put a seat belt over yourself
and a child. During a crash, the belt
could press deep into the child caus-
ing serious internal injuries.
o Never leave children unattended in a
vehicle – not even for a short time.
The car can heat up very quickly,
resulting in serious injuries to chil-
dren inside. Even very young chil-
dren may inadvertently cause the
vehicle to move, entangle them-
selves in the windows, or lock them-
selves or others inside the vehicle.
o Never allow two children, or any two
persons, to use the same seat belt.
o Children often squirm and reposition
themselves improperly. Never let a
child ride with the shoulder belt un-
der their arm or behind their back.
Always properly position and secure
children in rear seat.
o When the child restraint system is
not in use, store it in the trunk or
fasten it with a safety belt so that it
will not be thrown forward in case of
a sudden stop or an accident.
o Children may be seriously injured or
killed by an inflating airbag. All chil-
dren, even those too large for child
restraints, must ride in the rear seat.
To reduce the chance or serious or fatal
o Children of all ages are safer when
restrained in the rear seat. A child
riding in the front passenger seat
can be forcefully struck by an inflat-
ing airbag resulting in serious or fa-
tal injuries.
o Always follow the instructions for
installation and use of the child re-
straint maker.
o Always make sure the child seat is
secured properly in the car and your
child is securely restrained in the
child seat.
o Never allow a child to stand-up or
kneel on the seat or floorboard of a
moving vehicle. During a collision or
sudden stop, the child can be vio-
lently thrown against the vehicles
interior, resulting in serious injury.
o Never use an infant carrier or a child
safety seat that "hooks" over a
seatback, it may not provide ad-
equate security in an accident.
o Seat belts can become very hot, es-
pecially when the car is parked in
direct sunlight. Always check seat
belt buckles before fastening them
over a child.
o Always store or secure a child seat,
even when it is not in use. During a
collision or sudden stop, the child
seat could be thrown inside the ve-