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5.1.6 Exporting the measurement data
The MultiSystem 5070/4070 automatically creates CSV files with all
measurement data (measurement values, limits, warning limits, calculations,
and conditions). To export this file to a computer, there are two possibilities:
1. Connecting a USB cable to the measurement instrument:
To do this, enable the internal memory of the measurement instrument as
From the main menu, select the following path:
“Settings/Device/Connections/USB (Device)”
The menu window depicted on the right in Figure 21 appears. Change the
DATA volume element to “Enable.”
If you now connect the USB to the computer again, a folder with the drive
“DATA-VOL” appears automatically. Under it, there is a folder “CSV,”
which contains the measurement files in CSV format.
2. Exporting with a USB stick:
Connect a USB stick to the measurement instrument and go to the
instrument's main menu. Open the following path:
“Extras / USB Stick File Manager”
In “Save” mode, select the “CSV files” entry on the FileType tab (see
Figure 22, left).
Then, on the “Selected” tab, you can mark several measurement files that
should be exported to the USB stick. The selected files are displayed with
an asterisk * in front of their names.
Figure 21: Enabling internal memory for the data export