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displayed at the left bottom. With the F4 and F5 keys, you can select the
measurement series.
Figure 15 depicts the ONLINE mode on the right. Here, the measurement
values are read from the sensors automatically and evaluated in color.
With the F3 color: OFFL. If you reach OFFLINE mode where you can examine
older measurements.
The F4 key: START starts an interval measurement in which you can record a
particular number of measurements automatically by specifying an interval time.
The F5 key: SAVE saves a measurement.
By pressing the ENT key, you reach the selection of the four main points of the
submenu, where you can get more information about the condition. These
points will be displayed in more detail below:
Oil condition:
If you open the first point “Oil condition,” the window depicted in Figure 16 (top
left) appears. There are three windows in total for the menu element that you
reach by pressing the right/left arrow keys.
The first window displays the evaluation of the viscosity; the second, the
permittivity; and the third, the conductivity. In the evaluation of the viscosity and
the permittivity, there is a calculation on the reference temperature of 40°C. This
value is also used in the deviation for the default value (data sheet value) and
the first measurement.
The limit values and warning limits (in the square boxes) are also listed and can
be changed directly and adjusted with the F2 key: EDIT. If the value of the limits
is reached, the condition indicator of the traffic light changes. This condition can
also be detected on the main menu.
Use F4 and F5 to save the values here. In the process, all set values are saved
(measurement values, limits, and traffic light indicator).