WARNING: Before han dling
these pumps and controls,
always dis con nect the pow er
Do not smoke or use sparkable
electrical de vic es or flames in
a septic (gas eous) or possible
septic sump.
Below is a list of common
prob lems and the probable causes:
Pump will not start.
1. No power to the mo tor. Check
for blown fuse or open circuit
break er.
2. Selector switch may be in the
Off position.
3. Control circuit trans form er
fuse may be blown.
4. Overload heater on start er may
be tripped. Push to reset.
Pump will not start and
over load heaters trip.
1. Turn off power and check
motor leads with Megger or
ohmmeter for pos si ble ground.
2. Check resistance of motor
wind ings. All 3 phases should
show the same read ing.
3. If no grounds exist and the
motor windings check OK,
remove pump from sump and
check for clogged or blocked
Pump operates with se lec tor
switch in Hand position but will
not operate in Auto position.
1. This indicates trouble in the
float level control or the
alternator relay.
2. To check for defective float
con trol, put selector switch in
Auto position and turn off
main power. Put a jump wire
on terminal strip. Turn on
power and if pump starts,
trouble is in float con trol.
Replace control.
Pump runs but will not shut off.
1. Pump may be air locked. Turn
pump off and let set for
several minutes, then restart.
2. Lower float control may be
hung up in the closed po si tion.
Check in sump to be sure
control is free.
3. Selector switch may be in the
Hand position.
Pump does not deliver prop er
1. Discharge gate valve may
par tial ly clogged.
2. Check valve may be partially
clogged. Raise level up and
down to clear.
3. Pump may be running in
wrong direction. Low speed
pumps can operate in re verse
direction with out much noise
or vibration.
4. Discharge head may be too
high. Check total head with
gauge when pump is op er at ing.
Total head is dis charge gauge
pressure con vert ed to feet plus
vertical height from water
level in sump to the center line
of pres sure gauge in discharge
line. Gauge should be installed
on pump side of all valves.
Multiply gauge pressure in
pounds by 2.31 to get head
in feet.
5. If pump has been in service for
some time and capacity falls
off, remove pump and check
for wear or clogged impeller.
Motor stops and then re starts
after short period but overload
heaters in starter do not trip.
1. This indicates heat sen sors in
the motor are tripping due to
ex ces sive heat. Impeller may
be par tial ly clogged giving a
sus tained overload but not high
enough to trip overload heater
2. Motor may be operating out
of liquid due to a failed level
control. All Hydromatic S
submer sible
operate for ex tend ed periods
out of water without burning
up the winding, but the
heat sensors give motor
prolonged life by controlling
winding temperature.
3. Pump may be op er at ing on
a short cycle due to sump
being too small or from water
returning to sump due to a
leaking check valve.
Summary of Contents for S
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