Installing Pump in Sump:
Before installing pump in sump
lay it on side and turn impeller
manually. Im pel ler may be
slightly stuck due to factory test
water so it must be broken loose
with small bar or screwdriver in
edge of vanes. The impeller
should turn freely.
Clean all trash and sticks from
sump and connect pump to piping.
A check valve must be in stalled
on each pump. A gate or plug
valve in each pump discharge line
is also rec om mend ed. This valve
should be in stalled on the
discharge side of the check valve
so if nec es sary to service the
check valve the line pressure can
be cut off. Single pump sys tems
are sometimes in stalled without a
check valve where it is desirable
to self-drain the discharge line to
pre vent freez ing. This can be done
only with short dis charge lines,
oth er wise water will re turn to the
sump and cause short cycling of
the pump.
NEMA 4 Junction Box (Optional):
If electrical control panel is to be
set remote from the pump sump a
NEMA 4 junction box should be
used to make pow er and control
con nec tions. The Hydromatic
NEMA 4 junc tion box is pro vid ed
with com pres sion con nec tors for
seal ing all wires. No sealing
com pound is need ed to make
con nec tions wa ter proof.
Wiring diagrams are pro vid ed
con nec tions. An extra set of
di a grams is included so that one
set can be used in the sump when
making con nec tions. The size
wire to use from pan el to sump
de pends on motor size and
distance in feet.
Be sure each wire is checked out
so that wrong connection will not
be made. An ohm me ter or
Megger can be used to check wire
continuity. At tach one side of
meter to ground and other side to
one side at control panel then have
man in sump touch one wire to
ground. If wire is cor rect meter
will show reading. If some
dis tance exists be tween sump
and panel a Walkie-Talkie ra dio
is useful.
Installing 3900 Mercury Switch
The controls are supported by a
mount ing bracket that is attached
to sump wall or cov er or to the
NEMA 4 junc tion box.
Cord snubbers are used to hold the
cord in place. Con trol lever can be
changed at any time by loosening
the snub ber and readjusting
cord length.
In either simplex or duplex
system the lower or turn-off
control is set just above the top of
volute so that the vo lute will
always be sub merged dur ing the
pumping cycle. The second
or turn-on con trol is set about
24 inches above the lower
turn-off con trol.
More distance between turn-on
and turn-off controls can be used
but sew age may be come septic
and ex ces sive solids may collect
for the pump to han dle. A frequent
pumping cycle is rec om mend ed
for best op er a tion.
If an alarm system is used
this control is usually set about 6
inches above the over ride control.
Some engineers as de scribed
pre vi ous ly prefer to have the
alarm control set below the
override control.
Overload Heaters:
If the Hydromatic electrical panel
is not used, starters with 3 leg
overload protection must be
supplied. On 3 phase pumps the
heaters must be sized in
accordance with the name plate
amps on the motor housing. The
amp draw on these submersible
mo tors is slightly higher than
a cor re spond ing horsepower
surface motor so heaters must be
sized by the name plate rating.
capacitor start have a run and a
start winding each drawing a
different current. To adequately
protect these windings with
the appropriate heaters consult
the factory.
IMPORTANT: If other than
Hydromatic starters are used be
sure the heat sensor wires are
connected in series with the
starter coil circuit. Typical
wiring diagrams are included.
If the pump or pumps are to
be used with Hydr-O-Rail system
the pumps will be equipped
with guide brackets and hydraulic
sealing flange.
Summary of Contents for S
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