DE/EN/FR 18.055.H.7/07.19
1. Functions of the EDS 1700
Measured value display of the current pressure in bar, psi or in a scale defined by
the user.
Switches the 4 relay outputs according to the pressure and the pre-set switching
points and hystereses or switch-back points.
Records the maximum pressure since the unit was switched on.
Menu for basic setting (adaptation of the EDS 1700 to the particular application).
Two different types of programming enable.
Optional mounting position (pressure connection from above or below).
This operating manual was made to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless and
despite the greatest care, it cannot be excluded that mistakes could have crept in.
Therefore please understand that in the absence of any provisions to the contrary
hereinafter our warranty and liability – for any legal reasons whatsoever – are
excluded in respect of the information in this operating manual. In particular, we shall
not be liable for lost profit or other financial loss. This exclusion of liability does not
apply in cases of intent and gross negligence. Moreover, it does not apply to defects
which have been deceitfully concealed or whose absence has been guaranteed,
nor in cases of culpable harm to life, physical injury and damage to health. If we
negligently breach any material contractual obligation, our liability shall be limited to
foreseeable damage. Claims due to the Product Liability shall remain unaffected.
In the event of translation, only the original version of the operating manual in
German is legally valid
2. Mounting
The EDS 1700 is mounted via the 4 mounting holes in the rear panel of the housing.
The pressure connection must be via Minimess line for mechanical decoupling. In
critical applications (e.g. strong vibrations or knocks), the
EDS 1700 must be mounted on rubber buffers (DIN vibration mounts).
A mounting kit is available on request (see "Other Accessories).
The EDS 1700 must not be installed using rigid piping.
When supplied the pressure connection is accessible from the bottom and the
electrical connection is accessible from the top. The front panel can be turned
through 180° so that the electrical connection can be made from underneath and the
pressure connection can be made from the top.
The electrical connection must be carried out by a qualified electrician according to
the relevant regulations of the country concerned (VDE 0100 in Germany). When
connecting the analogue output, screened lines must always be used (e.g. LIYCY 4 x
0.5 mm²). The pressure switch housing must be earthed via the -connection (next
to the terminal strip).
Additional assembly notes which have been shown to reduce the effect of
electromagnetic interference:
Make line connections as short as possible.
Use screened lines.
The cable screening must be fitted by qualified personnel subject to the ambient
conditions and with the aim of suppressing interference.
Direct proximity to connecting lines of user units or electrical or electronic units
causing interference must be avoided as far as possible.