The signal quality will vary during this test and can be observed in the top right hand
corner of the LCD display. The four bands are illuminated for a good signal and
progressively extinguish as the signal deteriorates. Repeat for FHR1 and FHR2
inputs using front panel to select audio channel (BD4002 only).
Place the toco transducer on a solid surface with the rubber boot uppermost and level.
Press the zero button on the front panel. Holding the toco transducer steady, flex the
cable at the transducer and plug ends. Check the UA loading display and printout to
ensure that there is no deviation from the zero line.
Depress the toco rubber boot gently and release, repeat this several times. Check that
the UA display registers the change and returns to zero after a short delay.
With the rubber boot still uppermost and level, reset the zero then place a 100g
weight in the centre of the boot.
The shape of this weight is important and the contact area on the rubber boot should
be 12mm diameter maximum. The UA display should indicate 80% +/-5%.
Issue: 2 Draft
Rev: a
Ultrasound Mode