setting to use, consult a local licensed electri-
cian for the correct value. Refer to the installation
instructions if you need to change this setting.
Address: The unique identification number for
a particular VSX controller in a central system.
If your controller is a standalone, you may
leave this set to “0” unless you plan to use it
with Maintenance Radio.
Main Scale: Indicates that the controller will
operate each station for 100% of its scheduled
Run Time.
Cur Sch Len: A VSX may be programmed on
a multiple day schedule (from 1 to 31 days).
This shows the actual schedule length of the
Cur Sch Day: This shows which day (of the
schedule in the previous setting) that the con-
troller thinks it is – in this case, day 1 of a
1-day schedule.
Day Change: The time at which the schedule
day changes. The default is midnight, but you
may change the time of day-change to any hour
of the day.
Inhibit is OFF: This setting is only meaningful
in central systems, and shows the status of the
Field Controller Programs (FCPs). If they have
been inhibited, they will not run.
Response: This setting is only meaningful in
central systems, and shows how much commu-
nicating the VSX controller will perform with
the central computer.
MR Run Time: This is the default time-out for
stations started with Maintenance Radio with-
out a run time specified. If you forget to turn
the station off, VSX will turn it off for you in
30 minutes.
MR Pump: This specifies whether the Pump
output turns on whenever a station is started by
a Maintenance Radio command.
Current ET Day: This is only used in central
systems which calculate “look ahead” sched-
ules based on evapo-transpiration rates, and
download them to the controller. This display
will indicate which day of the ET schedule you
are on.
When the controller has finished sequencing
through the FC Settings, it will show the current
day and time. There may be a
message flashing in the display.
Press the CLEAR button to clear this message.
If you continue to press the OPTIONS button,
you will cycle through all of the available
controller options:
Pause Watering? Stops irrigation temporarily;
restarts where it left off.
List FC Settings? Automatically displays vital
Field Controller settings.
Edit FC Settings? Allows you to change vital
Field Controller settings.
Block Prgraming? Allows you to group
multiple stations into a single “block” for
programming purposes. See Blocks on page 23.
Remove Program? Allows you to delete a
single program, including all station run times.
Remove Preset? Allows you to delete a single
Preset, including all station run times.
Edit Decoders? Allows setup and/or changes
to decoder/station assignments.
View SYS Events? Allows you to view the
downloaded System Program events.
Del SYS Events? Allows you to delete the
downloaded System Program events.
Radio Xmit Test? (Radio controllers only)
Generates a 5-second test tone for diagnostics.
Edit FC Settings: Of all the Field Controller
options, this is the most vital to set up on a
new installation. Many of the powerful
features of VSX will not work, or will not
VSX Field Controller Options: