3. Put the pivot bolt through the assembly to
hold it in position and loosely install the nut,
but do NOT tighten the nut at this time (Figure
Do not use a high speed driver on this
combination of fasteners. Hand tighten only.
4. Align the mounting bracket transducer
assembly with the drilled holes in the
transom. With a 5/16" socket driver, mount
the assembly to the transom using the two
#10 - 1" long screws provided (Figure 20).
Hand tighten only!
Make sure that the mounting screws are snug, but
do not fully tighten the mounting screws at this time to
allow the transducer assembly to slide for adjustment
5. Adjust the initial angle of the transducer from back to front by rotating
the transducer until the side seam on the transducer is almost parallel
with the bottom of the boat, one click at a time in either direction
(Figure 21 and 22).
Adjusting the Initial Transducer Angle
Leading edge
One click too low
Trailing edge
Correctly aligned
(transducer side
seam aligned
with boat bottom)
One click too high
Figure 21
Figure 22
Figure 19
Inserting the Pivot Bolt
Figure 20
Mounting the Assembly
to the Transom
Transom Transducer Installation