WA603DE & WA653DE
Fat AP Configuration Guide
1 System Overview
Issue 02 (2012-04-19)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
System Overview
1.1 Product Overview
WA603DE and WA653DE are wireless access devices that comply with the 802.11a/b/g/n
protocol. They enable high-speed wireless data communication between a wired local area
network (LAN) and terminals that have a wireless network adapter complying with the
802.11a/b/g/n protocol.
This Service Guide is applied to the following devices:
WA603DE, an indoor wireless access point that supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
WA653DE, an outdoor wireless access point that supports 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
As the configuration procedure is the same for WA603DE and WA653DE, this document uses
WA653DE as an example. The configuration for WA603DE is slightly different from the
configuration for WA653DE. Unless otherwise specified, WA603DE and WA653DE have the
same parameter settings in this document.
1.2 Fit/Fat Switchover
The WA603DE/WA653DE works in Auto mode by default. After the AP starts, it enters the Fit or Fat
mode based on actual networking. You can also configure the AP to start in Fit or Fat mode.
Configuring the AP to start in Fat mode
Log in to the AP using Telnet.
Please login:
password :
Enter the user name and password.
huawei: set capwap-ap-mode 1
Configuring the AP to start in Fit mode
Log in to the AP using Telnet.
Please login:
password :
Enter the user name and password.
huawei: set capwap-ap-mode 2
This document assumes that the AP works in Fat mode.