4. Perform "startup operations" (for details, see page 8) on each UPS in the parallel system. After
the UPSs start successfully, the parallel system transfers to normal mode.
5. After the parallel system runs properly, close the general AC output circuit breaker for the
UPSs and start each load. To prevent triggering overload protection, start the loads with higher
power and then loads with lower power.
Shutting down the UPS
1. Perform "shutdown operations" (for details, see page 9) twice on a UPS in the parallel system
within 30 seconds. The UPS shuts down and enters the non-output state (the mains, bypass, and
battery indicators are off). The other UPSs keep working.
2. Open the AC input and output circuit breakers on the UPS. After all indicators on the UPS turn
off and fans stop, the UPS shuts down.
3. Open the external battery circuit breakers (if there are) or disconnect battery cables for the UPS.
The UPS exits the parallel system.
Perform "shutdown operations" on each UPS in the parallel system. All inverters shut down at the
same time, and the parallel system transfers to bypass mode. If the bypass voltage is beyond the
configured range, the UPS has no output.
1. Shut down loads.
2. Perform "shutdown operations" on each UPS in the parallel system. All inverters shut down at
the same time, and the parallel system transfers to bypass mode. If the bypass voltage is
beyond the configured range, the UPS has no output.
3. Open the AC input circuit breaker on each UPS, the general input circuit breaker for the UPS
system, the AC output circuit breaker on each UPS, and the general AC output circuit breaker
for the UPS system.
4. Open the external battery circuit breakers (if there are) or disconnect the battery cables for
each UPS. After all indicators turn off and fans stop, the UPSs shut down, and loads power off.
Before starting inverters, ensure that parallel parameters are synchronized. For details about
the parallel parameters, see the
UPS2000-A-(6 kVA-10 kVA) User Manual
Shutting down a UPS in a Parallel System
Transferring a Parallel System to Bypass Mode
Powering Off a Parallel System
3. If no alarm is displayed on the Monitoring screen, continue with the subsequent operations. If
an alarm is displayed, refer to the alarm list to locate and clear the alarm. For details, see the
UPS2000-A-(6 kVA-10 kVA) User Manual.