The length of time the GR restarter and GR helper wait for End-of-RIB messages is set.
By default, the time for waiting for End-Of-RIB messages is 600s.
You can adjust BGP GR session parameter values as needed, but default values are recommended.
8.22.4 Checking the Configurations
After BGP GR is configured, you can view the BGP GR status.
The BGP GR configurations have been configured.
Run the
display bgp peer
command to check the BGP GR status.
# Run the
display bgp peer
command to view the BGP GR status. For
display bgp peer verbose
BGP Peer is, remote AS 65009
Type: IBGP link
BGP version 4, Remote router ID
Update-group ID: 1
BGP current state: Established, Up for 00h00m44s
BGP current event: RecvUpdate
BGP last state: OpenConfirm
BGP Peer Up count: 2
Received total routes: 0
Received active routes total: 0
Advertised total routes: 1
Port: Local - 179 Remote - 52510
Configured: Active Hold Time: 180 sec Keepalive Time:60 sec
Received : Active Hold Time: 180 sec
Negotiated: Active Hold Time: 180 sec Keepalive Time:60 sec
Peer optional capabilities:
Peer supports bgp multi-protocol extension
Peer supports bgp route refresh capability
Peer supports bgp 4-byte-as capability
Graceful Restart Capability: advertised and received
Restart Timer Value received from Peer: 150 seconds
Address families preserved for peer in GR:
IPv4 Unicast (was preserved)
Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
Received: Total 3 messages
Update messages 1
Open messages 1
KeepAlive messages 1
Notification messages 0
Refresh messages 0
Sent: Total 5 messages
Update messages 2
Open messages 2
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - IP Routing
8 BGP Configuration
Issue 02 (2014-09-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.