Update-group ID: 1
BGP current state: Established, Up for 00h01m24s
BGP current event: KATimerExpired
BGP last state: OpenConfirm
BGP Peer Up count: 1
Received total routes: 0
Received active routes total: 0
Advertised total routes: 0
Port: Local - 179 Remote - 50450
Configured: Connect-retry Time: 32 sec
Configured: Active Hold Time: 180 sec Keepalive Time:60 sec
Received : Active Hold Time: 180 sec
Negotiated: Active Hold Time: 180 sec Keepalive Time:60 sec
Peer optional capabilities:
Peer supports bgp multi-protocol extension
Peer supports bgp route refresh capability
Peer supports bgp 4-byte-as capability
Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
Received: Total 3 messages
Update messages 1
Open messages 1
KeepAlive messages 2
Notification messages 0
Refresh messages 0
Sent: Total 4 messages
Update messages 1
Open messages 2
KeepAlive messages 2
Notification messages 0
Refresh messages 0
Authentication type configured: None
Last keepalive received: 2012-03-06 19:17:37 UTC-08:00
Last keepalive sent : 2012-03-06 19:17:37 UTC-08:00
Last update received: 2012-03-06 19:17:43 UTC-08:00
Last update sent : 2012-03-06 19:17:37 UTC-08:00
Minimum route advertisement interval is 15 seconds
Optional capabilities:
Route refresh capability has been enabled
4-byte-as capability has been enabled
It's route-reflector-client
Peer Preferred Value: 0
Routing policy configured:
No routing policy is configured
The message of
It's route-reflector-client
will be displayed in the command output only after the
bgp peer
command is run on an RR.
8.11 Configuring a BGP Confederation
BGP confederations can be configured on a large BGP network to reduce the number of IBGP
connections and simplify routing policy management, increasing route advertisement efficiency.
Applicable Environment
A confederations can be used to reduce the number of IBGP connections in an AS. It divides an
AS into several sub-ASs. Full-mesh IBGP connections are established between devices in each
sub-AS, and full-mesh EBGP connections are established between devices in different sub-ASs,
Compared with RRs, confederations facilitate IGP extensions.
HUAWEI NetEngine80E/40E Router
Configuration Guide - IP Routing
8 BGP Configuration
Issue 02 (2014-09-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.