2 Hardware Architecture
User's Manual
Beijing Huahuan Electronics Co., Ltd.
Version 1.4(Oct.2019)
Color Descriptions
NNI-side CHL2 channel optical signal
receiving indication:
On: the received optical power is lower
than threshold
Off: the received optical power is higher
than threshold
CHL1/CHL2 can be set as the working channel optionally. The following part uses
CHL1 as the working channel, CHL2 as the protection channel. The actual setting
shall prevail when using:
TO1 interface is used to transmit optical signals to CHL1 channel;
RI1 interface is used to receive optical signals from CHL1 channel;
TO2 interface is used to transmit optical signals to CHL2 channel;
RI2 interface is used to receive optical signals from CHL2 channel;
When the working channel CHL1 is fault-free:
PRI: The optical path with high-priority
RO interface (connecting to RX interface of UNI-side device) outputs optical
signal which received by NNI-side working channel RI1 to the RX interface of
UNI-side PRI channel.
TI interface (connecting to TX interface of UNI-side device) inputs UNI-side TX
signal and transmits it to NNI-side working channel TO1 interface.
SEC: the optical path with low-priority
RO interface (connecting to RX interface of UNI-side device) outputs optical
signal which received by NNI-side protection channel RI2 to the UNI-side
low-priority device RX interface.
TI interface (connecting to TX interface of UNI-side device) inputs TX signal of
UNI-side low-priority device and transmits it to TO2 interface of NNI-side
protection channel.
When the working channel fails, like the fiber is broken: