2 Hardware Architecture
User's Manual
Beijing Huahuan Electronics Co., Ltd.
Version 1.4(Oct.2019)
Color Descriptions
NNI-side CHL2 channel optical signal
receiving indication:
On: the received optical power is lower
than threshold
Off: the received optical power is higher
than threshold
CHL1/CHL2 can be set as the working channel optionally. The following part uses
CHL1 as the working channel and CHL2 as the protection channel. The actual
setting shall prevail when using:
TO1 interface is used to transmit optical signals to CHL1 channel;
RI1 interface is used to receive optical signals from CHL1 channel;
TO2 interface is used to transmit optical signals to CHL2 channel;
RI2 interface is used to receive optical signals from CHL2 channel;
When the working channel CHL1 is fault-free:
PRI: The optical path with high-priority
RO interface (connecting to RX interface of UNI-side device) outputs optical
signal which received by NNI-side working channel RI1 to the RX interface of
UNI-side PRI channel.
TI interface (connecting to TX interface of UNI-side device) inputs UNI-side TX
signal and transmits it to NNI-side working channel TO1 interface.
SEC: the optical path with low-priority
RO interface (connecting to RX interface of UNI-side device) outputs optical
signal which received by NNI-side protection channel RI2 to the UNI-side
low-priority device RX interface.
TI interface (connecting to TX interface of UNI-side device) inputs TX signal of
UNI-side low-priority device and transmits it to TO2 interface of NNI-side
protection channel.
When the working channel fails, like the fiber is broken: