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HRS Hevac Ltd AquaSave A6 Range
Installation, Operating & Instruction Manual
Changing time and temperature in a time program
By default the DHW set point SP_T_Sec_Outlet, set to 60°C by default, at any time, all the days of the week.
Add extra temperature set points at different times of the day.
These changes will be reported to all days with the time program week, excluding the time program; weekend.
Use the wheel and mark the clock logo. Press the wheel.
Mark the day you want to change.Press the wheel.
Now you can choose to:
a) Change a time or temperature.
Mark the line and press the wheel. Change the value by turning the
Confirm the new setting by pressing the wheel.
b) Add a new time or set point; choose
To delete a time or set point; choose;
In this example the set point is 60°C at 22h00.
You can choose to reduce the temperature during the night, in this example
the night temperature is set to 55°C.
Special days
Exception days, so called special days, can be defined. The calendar in the
controller controls the exceptions that can be selected in the Time program.
Exception days override the weekly schedule.
In the Main screen menu, mark ‘Spcl.Days’ and press the wheel.
Choose between:
Annual - holiday periods where you have to specify beginning date,
end date and DHW set point. This mode is applicable to schools,
offices and so on.
Bank Holiday - special days during the year where set points can be
different ex: Christmas, New Year.
Daily programs - particular days where you want to change the
temperature set point.