3-10 AlphaServer 300 User’s Guide
Boot Command
The boot command performs the following functions:
Initializes the processor
Loads a program image from the specified boot device
Transfers control to the loaded image
The syntax of the boot command is:
boot [-file <filename>] [-flags <longword>[,<longword>]]
[-protocols <enet_protocol>] [-halt] [<boot_device>]
The boot command options are described in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 SRM Boot Command Options
Command Option
-file <filename>
Specifies the name of a file to load into the system. For
booting from Ethernet, this name is limited to 15
characters. Use the set boot_file command to set the
environment variable that specifies a default boot file.
Specifies additional information for the operating system.
For systems with OpenVMS, root number and boot flags
are specified here. For Digital UNIX systems, the
following values may be used:
i = interactive boot
s = boot to single user
a = autoboot to multiuser
Use the set boot_osflags command to set an environment
variable that specifies a default boot flag value.
-protocols <enet_protocol>
Specifies the Ethernet protocol(s) that will be used for a
network boot. Values may be mop or bootp.
Forces the bootstrap operation to halt and invoke the
console program after the image is loaded and the page
tables and other data structures are set up.
Specifies a device path or list of devices that the firmware
will attempt to boot. Use the set bootdef_dev command
to set an environment variable that specifies a default boot