Console Commands 3-9
SRM Console Special Characters
Table 3-2 SRM Console Special Characters
Terminates command line input.
Deletes the previously typed character.
Toggles insert/overstrike mode. (Overstrike is the default.)
[Ctrl]+[B], or up arrow
Recalls previous commands. (The last 16 commands are stored.)
Terminates the foreground process.
Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
[Ctrl]+[F] or right
Moves the cursor right one position.
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Stops console output
XON, Resume flow of data to the console.
XOFF, Stops the flow of data to the console.
[Ctrl]+[U] or [Ctrl] +
Deletes the entire line.
Retypes the current command line.