Appendix C
The following table defines the electrical specifications for the controller’s
I/O base board.
a.These specifications are for an HP VXI Controller
with a 166 MHz processor. The power
requirements for a controller with a slower
processor will be lower. The power requirements
for a controller with a faster processor will be
somewhat higher. Refer to your HP product’s
Technical Specifications data sheet for exact
Table C-2. VXI Pentium Controller Power Requirements
DC Current
Dynamic Current
+5 V dc
11 A
0.31 A
+12 V dc
40.2 mA
0.08 A
-12 V dc
2.4 mA
0.03 A
-2 V dc
120 mA
0.08 A
-5.2 V dc
335 mA
0.192 mA
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