ADD Command
ZPROTO specifies the protocol to be used by the subdevice.
This required field must be assigned one of the following
ZTR3-VAL-PROTO-CRT The CRT protocol will be used.
ZTR3-VAL-PROTO-PTP The pass-through protocol (PTP) will be
Refer to the
Device-Specific Access Methods--AM3270/TR3271
manual for more information about these protocols.
ZRECSIZE specifies the maximum number of bytes the subdevice
can send or receive in a record. This is a required field.
The recommended record size depends on the protocol used and
the type of subdevice as follows:
CRT terminal Use the defined screen size as the record
size. The record size is used for reference
PTP subdevice The TR3271 I/O process allocates the
buffer based on the value of this field.
Use the defined screen size as follows:
Screen Size
Record Size
480 512
960 1024
1920 2048
2560 3072
3440 4096
3564 4096
When using pass-through mode, the TR3271
subdevice should have the same record size
as the AM3270 subdevice that is on the
other end of the connection.
ZXPARENT is a Boolean value that controls transparent-text
mode for the named subdevice. If the value is ZSPI-VAL-TRUE,
transparent-text mode is enabled for the subdevice; if the
value is ZSPI-VAL-FALSE, it is not. The default is ZSPI-
VAL-FALSE. Transparent-text mode can only be enabled if the
TR3271 line is configured with the EBCDIC character set and
transparent-text mode enabled.