ZMSG-G1024-RECVED is the number of messages, which were
greater than 1024 bytes in length, that the TR3271 subsys-
tem received from the specified line.
ZTR3-MAP-STATS-SU is the extensible structured token that lists
the statistical counters obtained during the sample period for
the specified subdevice. It has the token number ZTR3-TNM-STATS-
SU and the DDL definition ZTR3-DDL-STATS-SU.
Each counter is defined in a separate field. The fields in the
ZTR3-MAP-STATS-SU token are as follows:
ZRESET-TIME is the time that the TR3271 subsystem read the
counters. This time indicates the end of the sample period.
ZSAMPLE-TIME is the last time that the counters were reset.
This time indicates the beginning of the sample period.
ZERR is the number of errors that occurred for the specified
ZMSG-SENT is the number of messages that were sent from the
TR3271 subsystem to the specified subdevice.
ZMSG-RECVED is the number of messages that were received by
the TR3271 subsystem from the specified subdevice.
ZSPI-TKN-DATALIST indicates the beginning of a data list. See
"SPI Standard Definitions" in Section 5 for details.
ZCOM-TKN-OBJNAME specifies the name of the TR3271 line or
subdevice for which statistical information was requested.
Unless there is an error that prevents the STATISTICS command
from being attempted at all, this token is present in every
response record. ZCOM-TKN-OBJNAME is described in "Data-
Communications Standard Definitions" in Section 5, "Common
Definitions," and the
Communications Management Programming
ZCOM-TKN-OBJTYPE specifies the type of object for which informa-
tion was requested. This token can have the value ZCOM-OBJ-LINE
or ZCOM-OBJ-SU. This token is described in "Data-Communications
Standard Definitions" in Section 5, "Common Definitions," and the
Communications Management Programming Manual.
ZSPI-TKN-ERRLIST indicates the beginning of an error list. See
"SPI Standard Definitions" in Section 5 for details.