ZTR3-LINE-L2 is a structure that contains information about
level 2 for the specified line. ZTR3-LINE-L2 consists of the
following fields:
ZTOTAL-MSG is the total number of messages that were sent
from and received by the TR3271 subsytem for the specified
ZMSG-SENT is the number of messages that were sent from the
TR3271 subsystem to the specified line.
ZMSG-RECVED is the number of messages that were received by
the TR3271 subsystem from the specified line.
ZSHORT-BUF is the number of times a smaller buffer replaced
a larger buffer to reduce IOPOOL utilization.
ZL2-ERR is the total number of errors that occurred at
level 2. for the specified line.
ZNAK is the number of Negative Acknowlegements (NAKS) that
the TR3271 subsystem sent to the the specified line.
ZBCC-ERR is the number of BCC errors that occurred at level
2 for the specified object.
ZFRMT-ERR is the number of format errors that occurred at
level 2 for the specified line.
ZRETRY is the number of retries attempted by the TR3271
subsystem at level 2 for the specified line.
ZMSG-L256-SENT is the number of messages, which were less
than 256 bytes in length, that the TR3271 subsystem sent to
the specified line.
ZMSG-L256-RECVED is the number of messages, which were
less than 256 bytes in length, that the TR3271 subsystem
received from the specified line.
ZMSG-L1024-SENT is the number of messages, which were
between 256 and 1024 bytes in length, that the TR3271
subsystem sent to the specified line.
ZMSG-L1024-RECVED is the number of messages, which were
between 256 and 1024 bytes in length, that the TR3271
subsystem received from the specified line.
ZMSG-G1024-SENT is the number of messages, which were
greater than 1024 bytes in length, that the TR3271 subsys-
tem sent to the specified line.