Viewing SNMP notifications
View the current configuration for sending out event notifications via SNMP traps. This includes
information about
(servers that receive SNMP traps), as well as the association of events
with these trapsinks. A single event can generate notifications to multiple trapsinks. Also, different
sets of events can generate notifications to different trapsinks.
The following information is available about the SNMP Agent:
Name of the SNMP Agent. This field is prefilled and cannot be changed.
System Description
Version of SNMP. Supported versions are 1, 2, and 3. The default version
is 2.
SNMP Version
Whether the SNMP Agent is turned on or off. It is turned off by default.
Port on which the Agent listens for contact. The default is 161.
Whether passwords and communities are encrypted as they are sent over
the wire. The default is 'no'.
Encrypt Passwords and Communities
Name of the system contact person.
System Contact
Name of the system.
System Name
Location of the system.
System Location
Defines the access privileges. The default is 'public', which grants read
privileges to everyone.
Read Community
Defines the access privileges. The default is empty, which grants write
privileges to no one.
Write Community
An assigned ID that is appended to the IDs of all resources. It guarantees
that these resources do not conflict with other SNMP resources on the Internet.
System Object ID
Identification number of the engine.
Engine ID
Applicable when the Agent uses version 3 SNMP protocols. It determines
whether non-V3 read requests are allowed.
Allow non-V3 read requests
Applicable when the Agent uses version 3 SNMP protocols. It determines
whether non-V3 write requests are allowed.
Allow non-V3 write requests
To modify the Agent configuration, click
to display the Modify SNMP Agent dialog, where
you can make the necessary changes. The updated setup is displayed almost immediately in the
SNMP Agent Setup section.
SNMP events panel
This section lists the events that generate SNMP traps and the trapsinks to which these SNMP traps
are sent. If the same event generates notifications to multiple SNMP trapsinks, a separate row is
used to represent each event/trapsink pairing.
Event notification for MSA array systems
The StoreAll event system does not report events for MSA array systems. Instead, configure event
notification for the MSA using the SMU configuration wizard. In the SMU Configuration View
panel, right-click the system and select either
Configuration Wizard
Configuration Wizard.
Configure up to four email addresses and three SNMP trap hosts to receive
notifications of system events.
Configuring cluster event notification