S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 5.2(1)
Licensed Cisco NX-OS Software Packages
As a part of NX-OS Release 5.2(1), DCNM for SAN introduces server-based licenses that allow you
to purchase a pool of DCNM for SAN licenses instead of a switch-based Fabric Manager Server
(FMS) license. The installed base of existing FMS licenses are grandfathered into DCNM for SAN,
which means that you do not have to purchase a new license to use DCNM for SAN if you have an
existing FMS license.
There are many new features in DCNM for SAN, including:
Summary and host dashboards
VMware topology and performance
Performance forecasting charts
External SMI-S 1.4 agent
FCoE provisioning and management
Detailed information about these new features is available in the
Cisco DCNM Release Notes,
Release 5.2
, and in the feature configuration guides for DCNM for SAN.
New Hardware
Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 5.2(1) supports the following new Generation 4 hardware devices:
Cisco MDS 9000 8-port 10-Gbps Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) module (DS-X9708-K9)
Cisco MDS 9000 32-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel Switching module (DS-X9232-256K9)
Cisco MDS 9000 48-port 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel Switching module (DS-X9248-256K9)
Cisco MDS 9513 Switching Fabric 3 module (DS-13SLT-FAB3)
See the
Cisco MDS 9500 Series Hardware Installation Guide
for descriptions of, and specifications for
the new Generation 4 modules. This guide also provides instructions for migrating to the new Fabric 3
module and guidelines for installing the new 8-Gbps Advanced Fibre Channel switching modules.
Licensed Cisco NX-OS Software Packages
Most Cisco MDS 9000 family software features are included in the standard package. However, some
features are logically grouped into add-on packages that must be licensed separately, such as the Cisco
MDS 9000 Enterprise package, SAN Extension over IP package, Mainframe package, Storage Services
Enabler (SSE) package, Storage Media Encryption package, and Data Mobility Manager package.
On-demand ports activation licenses are also available for the Cisco MDS Blade Switch Series and
4-Gbps Cisco MDS 9100 Series Multilayer Fabric switches.
A license is not required to use the Cisco MDS 9000 8-port 10-Gbps Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
module (DS-X9708-K9).