Index 92
Adapter List screen 37
Adapter Properties screen 39
adapters 8, 28
ASR (Automatic Server Recovery) 56, 89
ATA hard drives 21
authorized reseller 87
Automatic Server Recovery (ASR) 56, 89
batteries, replacing 83
battery 83
BIOS upgrade 56
blanks 15, 21
board components 8
boot diskette 53
boot options 55
boot process 36
BSMI notice 82
cable connector identification 10
cables 10, 32, 65, 81
Care Pack 61
cautions 64
CD-ROM deployment 51
Change Control 60
component identification 6, 8, 9
configuration of system 17, 54
configuration parameters 53
configuration tasks, performing 44
configuration utility screen 37
configuration, network 48
connection problems 65
connectors 6, 8, 10
contacting HP 87
Create New Array screen 40
creating a network boot diskette 53
CSR (customer self repair) 87
customer self repair (CSR) 87
Declaration of Conformity 80
default settings 9, 12, 49
deployment methods 47, 48, 50
Device Properties screen 42
devices, connecting 33
diagnosing problems 62, 66, 67
diagnostic station 15, 33
diagnostic steps 62, 66
diagnostic tools 56, 58
diagnostics utility 58
diskette boot 53
diskette image deployment 52
documentation 53, 62
electrostatic discharge 85
environmental specifications 86
Erase Utility 56
error messages 77
Exit Menu screen 44
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)