54 hp
RGB (red/green/blue) value.
Color value of a pixel. You can
identify the RGB value of a pixel in the advanced information
display in Capture mode. You can also display a histogram of
values for all RGB channels in a picture.
Shutter speed.
The length of exposure time for the picture.
Darker conditions require slower shutter speeds, while moving
subjects require faster shutter speeds. The shutter speed on
your HP pocket camera ranges from 1/2 second (slowest) to
1/8000 second (fastest).
Spot metering.
A way to override
center-weighted metering
the camera’s default method of measuring the brightness of a
picture. Use spot metering to identify the part of a picture that
you want the light meter to use to calculate exposure—for
example, if the subject of a picture is much brighter or much
darker than its surroundings, or if the subject is not centered in
the frame.