Configuring the switch
RIP Interface Configuration
To display the following form, go to the RIP Interfaces Configuration form. Select a RIP interface number,
or open the RIP Interfaces folder and click
Add RIP Interface.
The following table describes the RIP Interface Configuration controls:
Table 162
RIP Interface Configuration controls
Control Descriptions
IP Interface number (1-249)
Assigns a numeric identifier to the RIP interface.
Enable RIP?
Enables or disables the RIP interface.
RIP Version
Configures the RIP version used by this interface. The default value is version 1.
Default Route Action
When enabled, the switch accepts RIP default routes from other routers, but gives
them lower priority than configured default gateways. When disabled, the switch
rejects RIP default routes. The default value is disabled.
Supply Route Updates?
When enabled, the switch supplies routes to other routers. The default value is
Listen to Route Updates?
When enabled, the switch learns routes from other routers. The default value is
Poisoned Reverse?
When enabled, the switch uses split horizon with poisoned reverse. When disabled,
the switch uses only split horizon. The default value is disabled.