SCS commands 56
The following command enables NFS on port 3, using the default file name specification, and setting a size threshold
of 20 bytes and a time threshold of zero. With this configuration data will be buffered according to the non-zero
threshold value, 20 bytes, and then it will be written to the NFS history file. The history file will be named P03.hst if
the file type is linear or P03_<4-digit year>-<2-digit_month>-<2-digit_day> if the file type is daily.
port 3 nfs ena size=20 time=0 file=
The following command enables NFS on port 7, using a substitution string within the file name specification and
setting zero thresholds for both size and time. (This configuration will not be acceptable if the file type is daily
because the file specification does not include a date substitution string that would make each daily file uniquely
named.) Assuming the file type is linear, data will be written to the NFS server file named SCS_1_P07 as soon as it is
available because both thresholds are zero.
port 7 nfs ena size=0 time=0 file=SCS_1_%#
Port Set
Port Set
command changes serial port settings in the SCS configuration database. At least one keyword
parameter and value must be specified. Some changes become effective upon the next connection to the port. See
“Configuring serial port settings.”
Access right:
Access level:
port [<port>|all] set
[td=<device>] [name=<name>] [baud=<baud>] size=<size>] [parity=<parity>]
[stop=<stopbits>] [flow=<signal>] [timeout=<time-out>] [socket=<socket>]
[char=^<cli_char>] [toggle=none|dtr] [power=<signal>] [group=<group>]
Table 5-11
Port Set command parameters
Parameter Description
A port number, port name
Default = Port to which you are attached
Indicates that the port settings that follow should be applied to all ports except the console port.
Target device type. Value is Console.
Default = Console
Port name can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters and hyphens. The following values
cannot be a port name: alert, all, break, history, logout, names, nfs, set. These values are case-
insensitive. The name must be unique. Two ports cannot have the same name. Port names are
case-sensitive. The name cannot begin with a number or a space, nor can it contain double
quotes (“) or commas (,). If the name contains spaces, enclose the name in double quotes. To
return a port name to its default value, specify
Default = Last 3 octets of MAC address, followed by P and the port number
Baud rate. Valid values are: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.
Default = 9600
Number of data bits per character. Valid values are 7 and 8.
Default = 8
Parity. Valid values are:
None––No parity
Even—Even parity
Odd—Odd parity
Mark—Mark parity
Space—Space parity
Default = None