Operations 32
Changing a user’s configuration information
Issue a
User Set
user set <username> [password=<pwd>] [sshkey=<keyfile>] [ftpip=<ftpadd>]
[key=<sshkey>] [access=[+|–]<access>] [group=[+|–]<group1>[,<group2>...]]
You can change your own password at any time. You must have USER access rights to change another user’s
password or any user’s SSH user key information and access rights.
To remove an SSH user key or password, specify Key=“” or Password=“”. You cannot remove both the password
and the SSH key from a user’s definition. One must remain in the user database. Also, you cannot remove a user’s
key or password if that removal would result in no valid users having USER access rights.
See “Using SSH,” “Access rights and levels,” and “User set command.”
Deleting a user
Issue a
User Delete
user delete <username>
If the specified user is currently logged in, a message is sent to the user, indicating that access is no longer permitted
and the user’s Telnet session is terminated. See “User delete command.”
Displaying user configuration information
To display information about one user, issue a
Show User
command, specifying the user name.
show user <username>
To display information about all users, issue a
Show User
command with the
show user all
See “Show user command.”
Access rights and levels
Most SCS commands require the user to have the appropriate permission to issue SCS commands. Permissions are
expressed as access rights or access levels. The access levels for each command are listed in Table 3-4, which also
describes the access rights a user can be given.
Table 3-4
Access rights
Access right
The Port Configuration access right allows the user to modify port settings. Grant PCON access only to
users who must issue the Port Set command.
The Server Configuration access right allows the user to change the SCS configurations, including
setting the IP address and updating the program load in FLASH. Grant SCON access only to users who
must administer the SCS.
The Server Monitor access right allows the user to view SCS status and monitor serial port activity.
Grant SMON access only to users who must assist other users in accessing attached serial devices.
The USER access right allows the user to modify the user database. Grant USER access only to users
who must add users, change user specifications, or delete users. At least one user must have USER
access rights. Otherwise, the user database cannot be changed.
The BREAK access right allows the user to send a serial break sequence to the attached serial device.
On certain devices, this sequence has a special meaning. Grant BREAK access only to users who must
use the Port Break command.
The Port access right gives a user access to one or more serial ports and the attached serial devices.
You may grant Port access rights to specific ports (Pn), a range of ports (Px-y), or all ports (PALL).
Access levels
When you specify permissions for the user, you can either indicate the individual rights as listed in Table 3-4 or you
can indicate a predefined access level. The APPLIANCEADMIN and ADMIN levels are equivalent to the following
individual specifications: