It is essential that the following points are completed by the Heating
Engineer before commissioning is requested through Hoval.
• System full of water and vented
• Boiler flue box drain pipework is fitted
• Spirals fitted where appropriate
• Heating load available e.g. pumps working
• Fuel purged to burner isolation valve
• Oil bled to boiler isolation cock
• Electrical connections made and correctly fused
• Correct boilerhouse ventilation
• Other manufacturer's equipment has been installed
& commissioned as necessary, e.g. pressurisation units.
If the above are not completed and commissioning is unable to
commence, clients will be charged for the abortive visit.
Hoval Ser vice Engineers nor mally commission all new
boilers and they will check the following:
• the boiler and system is filled with water and vented, including circulation pumps.
• the boiler flue box drain pipework is fitted.
• an independently pressurised system is operating correctly. Suppliers of the equipment
should adjust their equipment during commissioning.
• that dampers in the flue between the boiler and the chimney (if fitted) are in
the open position and locked open if manually operated and if electrically operated that the
burner is interlocked electrically to prevent operation until the damper is open.
• the electrical installation with the appropriate wiring diagram for the boiler and burner and for
correct fan rotation.
• correct direction of flow in the gas line.
• correct operation of the gas booster (if fitted)
• on oil burners that a filter and flexible oil supply pipe-line is fitted.
• the burner has not been damaged in transit or during installation and that it is a suitable type
for the fuel available on site. The nameplate on the burner indicates for which type of fuel it
is designed.
• excessive space in the refractory opening around the burner has been sealed with the supplied
ceramic material.
• all items, packed in transit, are removed from combustion chamber.
• boiler control thermostats are adjusted to suit system design flow temperature.
• the limit and high/low stats are set in accordance with control details. See page 14.
• the boiler relief valve setting is suitable for the system (The setting should be at least 0.5 bar
above the system pressure).
• oil supply pressure and temperature is suitable.
• for pressurised systems, an AAV is fitted on each boiler.
August 2014