D. Float Switch Check and Cleaning
F/S is used to determine that there is sufficient water in the tank after the 1-minute fill
cycle and after each harvest cycle. F/S is also used to determine that the appropriate
volume of water has been converted into ice before switching out of the freeze cycle. No
adjustment is required.
1. Float Switch Check
To check F/S, follow the steps below.
1) Turn off the power supply.
2) Remove the front panel, then move the
control switch to the "OFF" position.
3) Remove the insulation panel. Remove cube
guide B, then remove cube guide A. See
Fig. 4. Remove the overflow cap, overflow
pipe, and water shield.
4) Remove the drain plug. Allow the water
tank to drain, then replace the drain plug in
its correct position. Be careful not to cross
thread it.
5) Replace the water shield, overflow pipe,
overflow cap, cube guide A, cube guide
B, and insulation panel in their correct
positions. Be careful not to cross thread the
overflow pipe.
6) Remove the right side panel, then remove the control box cover.
7) Disconnect the black float switch connector from the control board BLACK K5 connector.
8) Check for continuity across F/S leads. With the water tank empty, F/S should be open.
If open, continue to step 9. If closed, follow the steps in "IV.D.2. Float Switch Cleaning."
After cleaning the float switch, check it again. Replace if necessary.
9) Reconnect the black F/S connector to CB BLACK K5 connector, then replace the
control box cover and right side panel in their correct positions.
10) Move the control switch to the "ICE" position. Replace the insulation panel and the
front panel in their correct positions, then turn on the power supply. After 1 minute, the
1-minute fill cycle should end and the initial harvest cycle should begin. If the initial
harvest cycle begins, F/S is good and the check is complete. If the initial harvest cycle
does not begin, continue to step 11.
11) Turn off the power supply.
12) Remove the front panel, then move the control switch to the "OFF" position.
13) Remove the right side panel, then remove the control box cover.
14) Disconnect the black F/S connector from CB BLACK K5 connector.
Fig. 4
Overflow Pipe
Cube Guide A
Overflow Cap
Cube Guide B