N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 1
P a g e 89 | 194
9.3.2 Totalize
In totalize mode, the accumulator is simply incremented or decremented each time the input
transitions in a specific direction.
The totalizer supports the following modes:
This mode ties the input to the counter to an internal 10MHz or
1MHz clock. The special functions can be used to accurately time
Count Up
This increments the accumulator when the input is enabled.
NOTE: Two inputs can be assigned. Either input can cause the
counter to increment. The second input can also be disabled.
Count Down
This decrements the accumulator when the input is enabled.
NOTE: Two inputs can be assigned. Either input can cause the
counter to decrement. The second input can also be disabled.
(Input 1 Up/Input 2
In this mode, Input 1 (assigned to any of the four inputs)
increments the counter, while Input 2 (also assigned to any of the
4 inputs) decrements the counter.
(Input 1 Clk, Input 2
This mode uses input 1 as a clock signal to increment or decrement
the counter and then uses input 2 to decide the direction. Input 2
disabled increments the counter, while input 2 enabled
decrements the counter.
Table 9.2
Modes supported by Totalizer
NOTE: The totalize mode enables the Disable, Latch, Preload, and Clear special functions.
Refer to the
for a description of these functions.
NOTE: Counter triggers off the rising edge of the signal.