N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 1
P a g e 148 | 194
15.5 Configuring Display Properties
Figure 15.3
Configuring Display Properties
Resolution Options
320x240 (QVGA)
Frames per Seconds
10, 15, 20, 24, 30 & MAX_FPS
15.6 Video Object Performance
1. When Video Object is active, navigating to System Menu or any popup window, causes Video
Object to be inactive.
2. Video Object can be made active in both Idle and Run modes.
3. If actual Frames Per Second of the configured video is different from the one that is
configured in Cscape, few frames will be missed when video is played.
15.7 Web Cameras
If multiple web cameras are directly connected to the XL4/XL4 Prime, then only one web cam
will be considered. If user needs to connect multiple web cams, USB hub needs to be used. A
maximum of four channels (web cameras) are supported.